Trails Carolina: Revoking License of Wilderness Camping

5 min read

Trails Carolina: A Wilderness Program for Troubled Youth

Trails Carolina is a private, for-profit wilderness program designed to assist children struggling with behavioral problems, depression, and other emotional challenges. Typically, parents send their children to this camp for therapeutic intervention. Here are some key points about Trails Carolina:

  1. Background and Purpose:

  • Founded in 2008, it aims to provide therapeutic support for pre-teens and adolescents aged 10 to 17.
  • The program combines wilderness therapy, mindfulness, yoga, equine-assisted therapy, intentional transitions, and academic engagement.
  1. Diagnoses and Participants:

  • Children attending Trails Carolina often have diagnoses such as autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression.
  • The camp caters to youth who exhibit unruly behavior or emotional struggles.
  1. Controversies and Concerns:

  • Interviews with former participants and staff members reveal long-standing concerns about how children are treated at the camp.
  • Participants have described protocols that left them confused and scared, including strip searches, bathroom restrictions, and reading upsetting letters aloud.
  • The recent death of a 12-year-old boy at Trails has raised further questions about safety and treatment practices.
  1. Recent Developments:

  • The Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the boy’s death as possible manslaughter.
  • The state’s Department of Health and Human Services suspended admissions to Trails Carolina, citing conditions detrimental to children’s health and safety.

Recent Death at Trails Carolina

The death of a 12-year-old boy at Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program in North Carolina, has been ruled a homicide according to an autopsy report released in February. Shockingly, the boy died less than 24 hours after arriving at the camp. Search warrants revealed disturbing details: he was found unresponsive, lying naked from the waist down on the floor of the bunkhouse. In response, state officials ordered all children to be removed from the camp, and these trails has since lost its operating license. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are closely scrutinizing the program’s operations to ensure the safety of remaining youth.

Legal Actions against Trails Carolina

It has faced several lawsuits from former participants and their families seeking compensation for the alleged harm suffered during their time in the program. These lawsuits have involved complex legal proceedings, with multiple parties involved, including the plaintiffs, defense attorneys, and the court system. Additionally, a former attendee has filed a lawsuit claiming sexual assault at the camp, alleging that management failed to take action. The program’s practices have come under scrutiny, including allegations of inadequate supervision, improper restraints, emotional abuse, and negligence in providing appropriate medical care.

Skepticism at Trails Carolina

Skepticism regarding changes at this trail is entirely warranted, given the recent controversies and safety concerns surrounding the program. Here are some reasons why people might be skeptical:

  1. History of Issues: This trail has faced allegations of mistreatment, inadequate supervision, and emotional abuse in the past. The recent death of a 12-year-old boy has intensified these concerns.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: Skeptics may question whether the program is truly addressing its shortcomings. Transparency about safety protocols, staff training, and participant well-being is crucial to rebuilding trust.
  3. Legal Actions: Ongoing lawsuits against Trails Carolina raise doubts about the effectiveness of any changes. Skeptics may wonder if the program can genuinely reform while facing legal battles.
  4. Parental Vigilance: Parents considering sending their children to this trail will likely approach the program with caution. They may seek more information and assurances before enrolling their child.

Skepticism is a natural response to the unfolding events at Trails Carolina. As investigations continue and legal proceedings unfold, vigilance and critical evaluation are essential to ensure the safety and well-being of participants.

Implantations of Changes at Trails Carolina

This trail has made several changes in response to the recent controversies and safety concerns surrounding the program. Here are some notable changes:

  1. Night Checks Enhancement:

  • Staff members now conduct night checks three times per night (at 12 a.m., 3 a.m., and 6 a.m.).
  • These checks involve verifying that children are breathing, safe in their tents, and performing a head count.
  • On the 12-year-old boy’s first day, he was placed “on safety,” which required him to sleep on the cabin floor in a sleeping bivy with a staff member nearby.
  1. Mail Communication:

  • Clients can now send and receive mail to parents or guardians without camp staff reviewing it.
  • Previously, therapists reviewed the mail to ensure appropriateness for the client.
  1. Internal Investigation Transparency:

  • Despite initial reluctance, this trail has made recommendations for changes based on internal investigations.
  • However, they do not fully agree with all the findings from the Division of Health Service Regulation.

These changes aim to address safety gaps and improve the well-being of participants. However, skepticism remains due to the program’s history and ongoing investigations.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Trails Carolina provides a unique blend of wilderness therapy and other interventions, but its controversies and safety concerns warrant close scrutiny. As investigations continue, the program’s future remains uncertain. Parents and guardians should carefully evaluate the risks and benefits before enrolling their children in such programs.

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