Explore Epstein Island List: Secrets of Epstein Documents

3 min read

Who was Jeffery Epstein? Introduction to Epstein Island List

Jeffery Epstein was an American Financier and convicted offender who killed himself during his jail trial on August 10, 2019 and found dead by jail guards. He loved to mingle with elite personalities such as famous politicians, celebrities etc. He also invited them to home on his private island and also offered them his private jest rides. He and his wife hung out with politicians, supermodels and princesses. But Epstein was also being accused by many women and two girls filed a court case about intimate harassment by him.

Epstein Documents Revealing Dark Hidden Secrets

Epstein who was a Millionaire businessman and Maxwell; Epstein’s longtime confidant faced many allegations due to involvement in intimate abuses and assaults and they also helped other powerful personalities to do this. Epstein attempted suicide during his jail trials. Loretta Preska; who was judge in Maxwell case ordered to reveal the documents including the names of all the visitors and friends of Epstein who were also involved in this kind of crime.

What is Epstein List?

After the ruling of judge, documents came from different police reports, depositions, government documents, emails and other courts filings. The government depositions revealed that Maxwell and Epstein along with other persons were involved in forcing the young girls to work as employ to their properties and then harassing them.

Epstein Private island and Epstein island visitor list

Epstein island visitor list

Epstein documents revealed the list of people who visited his island frequently and names on these lists just shocked the whole world. Epstein island visitor list include the names of almost 150 people including the famous politicians and celebrities. The last batch of Epstein documents is released by court that is giving a list having names of high profile personalities including Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and former vice president Al Gore.

These Epstein documents; consisting of almost 4500 pages, are opened by federal judge against the Ghislaine Maxwell confidant.  Unsealed Epstein documents revealed the documentation on paying the teenage girls and young women for harassments. Powerful and wealthy men just like Epstein harass the girls by massage therapy pretense.  One of the victims; Virginia Giuffre has claimed that Epstein has paid $15,000 in 2011 to have relation with British Prince Andrew but Andrew had continuously denied of having any kind of relation or contact with Virginia.

Epstein Island list also included the name of Donald Trump. Gluffre also claimed that has had met with former president Trump but she has never seen him in any kind of coitus activities.  After release of Epstein list, Trump responded on his social media platform and clarified that all these images are fake an AI generated that were showing the presence of Trump in private plane of Epstein. Trump said that this is A.I and it is very dangerous for our Country. I was never ever on Epstein plane.

Famous Names in Epstein Island List

Epstein documents

Epstein documents and Epstein List contain names of following personalities:

  • Donald Trump
  • Michael Jackson
  • Bill Clinton
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Heidi Klum
  • Bill Richardson
  • Prince Andrew
  • Chelsea Clinton
  • Former vice President Tipper Gore
  • Billionaire Glenn Dubin
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Marvin Minsky (MIT AI researcher)
  • Les Wexner (Former CEO of Victoria Secret)
  • Former Treasury secretary Larry Summers

Publically Release of Epstein Island List just shocked the world when Epstein list with famous persons involved in these activities was exposed to world.

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